Who are we? What do we do?

  • We are an organisation of active people from all walks of life who are not in full time work.
  • We meet regularly to expand our knowledge, share interests, and acquire new skills.
  • We have talks, social events and groups who organise their own activities in a variety of subjects.
  • We offer assistance to members on computer hardware and software and with members less tech savvy than some.

Retired or work part-time with time on your hands?

Explore our site by selecting menu options, buttons, pictures and underlined text to see what’s on offer. This website is regularly updated to reflect the latest activities so please do come back!

New to us?

If you are new to Woking Area u3a, then warm greetings! We are thrilled that you have sought out our website and suggest that you start your exploration by selecting about u3a to find out more about us, our ethos and how we operate. If you like what you see (and we all did) then we invite you to join us.

An existing member?

If you have already joined up, then please use this website to make sure you are making the most of your membership! If you haven’t already, it is not too late to renew! Look at Groups Programme to see what might interest you within Woking Area, and Links for other parts of the regional and national u3a organisations.


Have you thought about volunteering? Please visit our Volunteering page for more info.