Group Category: Music

  • Folk Music

    Folk Music This group is for u3a members who enjoy singing and playing along to Folk music. It brings together experienced folk musicians/singers with other members who do not play an instrument or are able to read music, nor profess to have a particularly good singing voice. The Group Leader is in the latter category!… Read more

  • Second Wind Jazz Band

    Second Wind Jazz Band This is a group for musicians of all abilities, playing any instrument, who want to make music together with others. Being able to read music could be an advantage but not necessary for those who can pick up tune, or sing. The main emphasis will be the enjoyment of exploring different… Read more

  • Ukulele

    Ukulele This is a group for those who have some experience of playing the ukulele. We play a very wide range of music and the emphasis is on enjoying playing together and having fun. As Woking Ukulele Band we sometimes perform at local events. Read more

  • Ukulele Beginners (7 Week Course)

    Ukulele Beginners (7 Week Course) The Ukulele Group will be running a 7 week beginners course for first timers or for anyone who has very little experience of playing a Uke. After which, with a bit of practice, you will be able to join the main group. Waiting for Image Read more

  • Scottish Country Dancing

    Scottish Country Dancing Join the Scottish Country Dancing group – a friendly way of keeping fit and having fun! Our tutor has been teaching for many years. Some instruction in basic steps and formation is given. All the dances are explained and walked through. Beginners are welcome. Waiting for Image Read more

  • Singing for Fun Group A

    Singing for Fun Group A What better way to start the week than having a good sing. Joseph G Raposo wrote: “Don’t worry that it’s not good enough for anyone else to hear, just sing, sing a song”. These words encapsulate the spirit of our group. As we sing different songs each week (folk, country,… Read more

  • Singing for Fun Group B

    Singing for Fun Group B What better way to start the week than having a good sing. Joseph G Raposo wrote: “Don’t worry that it’s not good enough for anyone else to hear, just sing, sing a song”. These words encapsulate the spirit of our group. As we sing different songs each week (folk, country,… Read more

  • Music Appreciation

    Music Appreciation Although most of the music is classical, no prior musical knowledge is required, simply an open mind and willingness to give a fair hearing to sometimes unfamiliar music. Sometimes the concentration is on the work of a composer whilst at other times we review particular musical features from the work of various composers. Read more

  • Recorder Ensemble

    Recorder Ensemble If you already play, if you have played in the past and would like to play again or if you have never played and would like to learn, then come along and enjoy making music. The Group Leader has recorders available for loan if you would like to try before you buy. Read more

  • Hootenanny

    Hootenanny A small group of amateur musicians who get together to enjoy learning, rehearsing and playing acoustic numbers primarily from the folk, bluegrass, and country genres. The ability to sight-read is not a prerequisite, but group members are expected to be fairly proficient on their chosen instruments. We also play at the occasional acoustic “Open… Read more